• Acoustic Neuroma

    An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor of the nerve that controls balance. It runs alongside the nerve that controls hearing. Tumors may arise where the nerve begins at the brainstem (cerebellopontine angle) or further along the nerve in the internal auditory canal, closer to the inner ear. Symptoms may

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  • Acute Sinusitis

    Acute sinusitis is an infection of the paranasal sinus cavities. The majority of infections are viral, and will resolve without treatment. Some infections are bacterial or will become bacterial over time (typically 7 - 10 days) and may require antibiotic treatment. Most bacterial infections are successfully

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  • Allergic Rhinitis

    Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory condition of the nose. The nasal lining reacts to allergens that are breathed into the nose, which may result in runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and obstruction, itchy, watery eyes, and dark circles under the eyes (allergic shiners), among other symptoms. Treatment

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  • Anosmia

    Anosmia is the loss of the sense of smell. Anosmia may have many different causes. Viral infection, head trauma, surgery, allergies, chronic sinusitis, sinonasal polyps, benign, or malignant tumors may cause anosmia. Some patients have no identified cause. If no obvious cause is seen on exam, a CT or

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  • Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and the most frequently occurring form of all cancers. It typically occurs on sun-exposed areas such as the scalp, face, nose, ears, neck, chest, shoulders, or back. It can present as a non-healing sore; a shiny or pearly bump; or even a pink,

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  • Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels are cosmetic procedures that use various chemical solutions to exfoliate your skin. Chemical peels are commonly done on your face, neck, and hands. They work by removing and shedding the outer layer of skin, leaving behind new and regenerated skin which appears smoother and more youthful.

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  • Cholesteatoma

    Cholesteatomas may be congenital (you may be born with it) or acquired (may develop later in life). Cholesteatomas are essentially cysts formed from the tympanic membrane (ear drum). A pocket is formed in the eardrum, which traps the lining of the drum, allowing for continued growth and expansion of

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  • Chronic Sinusitis

    Chronic sinusitis may either be an infection of the paranasal sinus cavities lasting more than 12 weeks, or chronic inflammation of the sinus lining, which may result in obstruction (blockage) of the normal sinus drainage. Treatment options include medical therapy and surgery. Medical treatment may include

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  • Deviated Septum

    Septal deviations can be congenital or acquired after trauma, surgical intervention, or other conditions. Deviation may cause obstruction of nasal breathing, increasing the likelihood of sinus infections and nasal drainage. Septal deviation may also contribute to curvature of the external nasal appearance.

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  • Dizziness

    Dizziness may be defined as the sensation of lightheadedness, loss of balance, or unsteadiness. This may be associated with disequilibrium or vertigo. Initial care of dizziness is geared toward discerning a cause for the dizziness. Causes are widely varied and include disease of the ear, brain, heart,

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  • Dysphagia

    Dysphagia refers to difficulty swallowing. Swallowing difficulty may arise from abnormalities in the mouth, throat, esophagus, or from neurologic or muscular disorders. Treatment initially is aimed at discerning a cause of the dysphagia and may require further testing via x-ray exams (barium swallow,

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  • Ear Pain

    Ear pain can arise from problems of the ear such as infections, or can be caused by referred pain - pathology from elsewhere in the head and neck that causes pain in the ear without actually having any abnormalities of the ear. Other sources include diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, benign ulcers,

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  • Epistaxis (Nose Bleeds)

    Epistaxis is bleeding from the nose. It most commonly occurs from the front of the septum, and may be aggravated by trauma or dry / cool environments. Bleeding may also occur from areas more posteriorly in the nose, and these sites usually result in more severe bleeding. Epistaxis may be treated with

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  • Facelift

    One of the top five most popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed each year in the US, facelifts can tighten the skin on your face, removing wrinkles and sculpting your overall look by repositioning facial fat, skin, and muscle. During a standard facelift, the skin and its underlying tissues and

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  • Fillers

    One of the most popular forms of treatment for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and create smoother, younger skin is injections. In an office-based procedure, the physician uses fine needles to insert a filler into the skin to add volume, replace collagen and/or stimulate natural collagen

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  • Hearing Loss

    Sensorineural hearing loss is defined as a loss of hearing caused by problems occurring in the inner ear and auditory (hearing) nerve. Causes may include aging, genetic-associated loss (hereditary), noise exposure or noise trauma, infections, congenital syndromes, inflammatory or auto-immune diseases,

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  • Hoarseness

    Hoarseness may be defined as any change in vocal quality. Hoarseness may be described as breathy, coarse, gravelly, or weak, among many other descriptions. Hoarseness may be caused by diseases of the vocal fold - infection, inflammation, neoplasms (growths - may be benign or cancerous), neurologic, or

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  • Hyperparathyroidism

    The parathyroid glands are four (sometimes five) tiny glands in the neck that regulate the level of calcium in the blood, helping to strike a balance between the calcium levels in the blood and in the bones. Primary hyperparathyroidism may occur when one or more of the glands becomes enlarged and produces

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  • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

    Reflux, Care: Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) describes acid which may flow from the stomach into the esophagus. GERD most often causes heartburn and burping, among a multitude of other symptoms. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) refers to the flow of acid from the stomach, via the esophagus, into the

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  • Melanoma

    Melanoma is a type of skin cancer originating from the pigment-producing cells in the skin called melanocytes. Though not as common as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, it is more deadly because of its ability to spread to other parts of the body. Melanomas can have various appearances.

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  • Meniere’s Disease

    Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear in which the tiny membranous (soft) channel that holds fluid in the inner ear swells abnormally, resulting in hearing loss (typically fluctuating but may be permanent), vertigo, the sensation of ear fullness, and tinnitus (ringing of the ear, typically

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  • Nasal Polyps

    Nasal polyps are typically benign and consist of severely inflamed and overgrown nasal membranes (lining of the nasal cavity). Allergy may play a role in their development. A small percentage may be caused by papillomas (a type of wart) or may be premalignant or malignant (rare). Nasal polyps may be

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  • Nasal Valve Collapse

    Nasal valve collapse is defined as weakness of the cartilage of the nose responsible for keeping the nostrils open while breathing in. This may occur due to congenital reasons or as a result of surgery which can weaken the cartilage and / or structure of the nose. Care may include conservative measures

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  • Neurotoxins

    Also known as neuromodulators, these cosmetic injections work by blocking signals sent between nerves and muscles. Over time the contraction of the muscles on your face can result in the formation of facial lines as you make facial expressions such as frowning and raising your eyebrows. Injecting the

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  • Otitis Externa

    Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal. It is most commonly infectious, although it can be caused by inflammation or dermatitis (allergic reaction of the skin). Infections are most commonly bacterial, but may be fungal. Infections may be caused or worsened by water exposure,

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  • Otitis Media

    Acute otitis media is an infection of the middle ear - the usually air-filled space between the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the bone of the inner ear. Most infections will resolve without treatment or with oral antibiotics, while a small percentage will not improve with conservative treatment and

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  • Otosclerosis

    Otosclerosis is a disorder of the bone around the stapes, the third of the ossicles - the hearing bones of the middle ear. The bone around the base of the stapes becomes hardened and fixed, preventing the normal motion of the stapes in response to sound waves, resulting in a conductive hearing loss.

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  • Postnasal Drip

    Postnasal drip refers to mucus draining from the nose back into the throat. This may be caused by allergies, infections, or other inflammatory conditions of the nose. It is usually treated medically, with nasal sprays or oral allergy medications (or antibiotics when an infection is found to be the cause).

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  • Rhinoplasty

    Commonly referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure for your nose. A rhinoplasty can change the shape of your nose, or it can improve its function that can get impeded due to injury or the presence of certain nasal and sinus conditions. According to the American Society of Plastic

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  • Sleep Apnea

    Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which the airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing the patient to stop breathing for brief periods of time. Sleep apnea may lead to poor sleep and fatigue and over time may contribute to heart and lung failure and even death, if severe and left untreated.

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  • Snoring

    Snoring is a condition in which the airway becomes blocked or may vibrate during sleep, causing the patient to produce sound. Snoring may be associated with sleep apnea which may lead to poor sleep and fatigue and over time may contribute to heart and lung failure and even death, if severe and left untreated.

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  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most commonly occurring type of skin cancer. It appears most frequently in areas that are exposed to direct sunlight such as the face, nose, ears, lips, neck, and back of the hands. Squamous cell carcinomas can present as rough, scaly, red patches; wart or horn-like

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  • Throat Pain

    Throat pain may come from a number of different problems - viral, fungal, or bacterial infection, allergies. acid reflux, postnasal drainage or other sinus or allergy problems, or tumors, among many others. Establishing a diagnosis, usually based on history and exam, which may include looking in the

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  • Tinnitus

    Tinnitus describes any abnormal sound heard in the ear. Tinnitus may be described as a high or low pitch, ringing, roaring, buzzing, humming, cricket-like, or pulsating, among various other descriptions. Tinnitus is most commonly caused by hearing loss, but may have multiple other causes - wax build-up,

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  • Turbinate Hypertrophy

    The turbinates are shelves of tissue along the sides of the inside of the nose. They are responsible for humidifying inspired air and moisturizing the nose. They also sense the flow of air through the nose. Turbinates may be enlarged due to bony overgrowth or inflammation and swelling of the lining.

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